How to Avoid Rejection of your USCIS Application Due to Filing Fee Errors

Filing fee errors when submitting your USCIS application or petition can lead to delays or rejection. Taking a few extra minutes to review your payment can save you time, money, and frustration! 

  • Double-Check the Correct Filing Fee Amount:

  • Use the Correct Payment Method:

    • Check:

      • The check may be a personal, business, certified check, or cashier’s check from a U.S. financial institution.

    • Money Order:

      • Obtain from a trusted source like USPS, a bank, or a grocery store.

    • Credit Card, Debit Card, or Pre-Paid Card:

      • Complete and sign Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions.

      • USCIS accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and prepaid cards from the same card networks.

      • Make sure the card limit covers the fee.

      • USCIS does not accept payment by gift cards.

  • If Paying by Check or Money Order:

    • Ensure checks and money orders are made payable to “U.S. Department of Homeland Security” (Do not abbreviate to “USDHS” or “DHS”).

    • Write a brief description of the payment purpose in the memo line (e.g., “N-400 application”). If the check is not in the applicant’s name, write the applicant’s name on the memo line as well.

    • Date the check for the day it’s written. Use the U.S. format of month/day/year. Write the month out to avoid confusion with date formats. For example: “January 15, 2025”.

    • Ensure you are using the correct year, especially early in the year, as it’s easy to mistakenly write the previous year.

    • The check or money order must be dated within the previous 365 days of filing.

    • Include the correct amount in both numerical and written forms.

    • Ensure signatures are legible and completed by the account holder.

    • Ensure that payments are made in U.S. dollars and that the check or money order is drawn from a U.S.- based account, as USCIS will not accept checks or money orders issued by a foreign bank.

  • If Paying by Credit Card, Debit Card, or Pre-Paid Card:

    • Fill out all sections accurately, including card details, billing address, and payment amount.

    • Place Form G-1450 on top of your application, petition, or request when filing.

    • USCIS will reject your application, petition, or request if the card is declined and will not attempt to process the payment again.

  • Multiple/Combined Applications

    • If submitting multiple forms, pay each filing fee separately.

    • Each application, petition or request must be paid with a single payment method (e.g., check, bank draft, money order, or card). Do not split a single fee between multiple payment types (e.g., half by check, half by card)

    • If you are paying by credit card, submit a separate Form G-1450 for each application, petition, or request that you submit. You may pay both the filing fee and biometric services fee with the same Form G-1450.

  • Avoid Common Bank Issues and Scams:

    • Ensure sufficient funds are available to prevent bounced checks.

    • Notify your bank or credit card company in advance of large payments to “U.S. Department of Homeland Security” to avoid a flagged or declined transaction.

    • If you are paying online by card or bank account, you will be redirected to the U.S. Department of Treasury’s website, Ensure you are on the official site before making a payment.
