Signs of Human Trafficking for Parolees & How to Seek Help

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Check out this helpful resource produced by the Ukraine Immigration Task Force. As a Ukrainian parolee, you should keep an eye out for the following signs of human trafficking:

  • A sponsor should not pressure you to live with them, work for them, or be intimate with them. Do not give them your documents.

  • Your sponsor can NOT end your sponsorship, force you to learn English or say it’s mandatory, deport you, take your paycheck, or force you to work for them.

  • You are NOT obligated to repay your sponsor, live with them, work for them, give them original documents (such as your passport or birth certificate,) or deal with ANY sexual advances.

  • Be careful if your sponsor says they live far from the city or that there’s no transportation around them, especially if they say they have a big farm, family, or business and that they will need your help.

If you believe you have been a victim of any of the above scenarios, you should leave immediately and seek shelter at the nearest hospital, clinic, domestic violence shelter, place of worship, or the police. You can also text INFO or HELP to BeFree (233733)

You are also welcome to contact us to discuss your situation.

