Protections for Lebanese in the US

Due to the humanitarian crisis and military escalation in Lebanon, the Department of Homeland Security has announced protections for Lebanese people currently inside the United States.

Temporary Protected Status:

Lebanon will be designated for TPS for 18 months in order to protect those than cannot return safely to Lebanon. This will allow Lebanese nationals (or people without a nationality that last habitually resided in Lebanon) who have been continuously residing in the United States since October 16, 2024, to file initial applications for TPS, if they are otherwise eligible. Lebanese people that entered the US after October 16, 2024 will not be eligible for this designation of TPS.

More information about TPS and how to apply for employment authorization with it will be included in a Federal Register Notice that DHS will publish in the coming weeks.

Deferred Enforced Departure:

The removal of certain Lebanese nationals in the United States will be deferred for 18 months through January 25, 2026. These people will also be able to apply for employment authorization. More information about DED can be found in this Federal Register Notice issued by USCIS.

Special Student Relief:

Special Student Relief will be available for F-1 students whose country of citizenship is Lebanon or individuals having no nationality who last habitually resided in Lebanon. This will allow eligible students to request employment authorization, work an increased number of hours while school is in session, and reduce their course load while continuing to maintain F-1 status through the designation period.

People Outside the United States:

Looking to help your family or friends in Lebanon come to the US? Some options to consider include Humanitarian Parole or emergency processing of an I-130 at an embassy abroad.

We would love to help you. If you have immigration questions or would like help applying for a new status, please book a consultation to discuss.

